HBS is a leading law firm registered with the Bar Association of Cambodia, that has been providing legal services of the highest quality to many of the world’s leading companies, governments, financial institutions and other organizations since 2005. As a registered law firm and a firm with its own associated notary, HBS Notary Public, we can offer a truly one-stop-shop experience for our clients.

We understand that our clients are not simply looking for correct advice but also for excellent service delivery. In this regard, we pride ourselves on being the only registered law firm in Cambodia built on a genuine partnership with and working relationship between our Cambodian and foreign lawyers. This enables us to offer a level of service commensurate with the level of service that our clients expect from lawyers in their own jurisdictions.

Cambodia has taken great strides in enacting laws to facilitate and encourage foreign investment since its accession to the WTO in 2004 and this is reflected in the huge growth of foreign investment into Cambodia and the development of the country, particularly in the last 10 years. Nevertheless, the country’s legal system remains a work-in-progress and gaps in the law are often supplemented by practice. HBS Law has, through years of capacity building and assistance with legal and business development programs, fostered a strong relationship with governmental institutions that enables our advisers to not only be informed as to those practices but also to shape them.

Our clients are required to become more and more agile and nimble-footed, and so do we. Our Innovations Committee (the only one of its kind at a Cambodian law firm) is continually formulating and implementing innovations in the way we deliver our services whether they be of a technological nature or otherwise.

HBS Law can assist clients with the full range of legal and tax matters and has established dedicated practice groups comprised of seasoned lawyers with substantial experience in each relevant area. Notwithstanding our dedicated practice groups, we appreciate that for our advisers to give full and complete advice, they need to have a working knowledge of issues covered by other practice groups. Our training includes cross-practice group training sessions to achieve this result.

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